
Friday, July 1, 2011

Pending Much???

Seriously..I've been thinking a lot of blog topics that I could write here for months now...and yet, I still haven't got the urge to do them. I don't know why I never got around in finishing them.Maybe because I still feel that it's not yet complete? Right now, I have like 6 blog posts that are not yet published because of apparently, a lot of different reasons. Haha! I have this really bad MANYANA habit.
I used to have this kind of attitude especially in waking up early to go to work. And yes, USED TO!
I am proud to say that I have gotten rid of this annoying habit because of the motivation and trust that my TC Marian and other team 8 members had embodied me. I'm very thankful to them for helping me take my worst habit to trash. I just hope that I could continue it on my next job.

Anyway, going back to blogging... I'm still definitely up for it!
This month, I'll finish the lot and blog it out!
Hopefully I can master enough strength to stop procastinating! lol!

let's toast to BLOGGING!!!

1 comment:

Thins said...

I miss you sooooooo much! =)