
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Living together: Friends to Enemies?

Yeah, I know. This is another blog with a personal vendetta spread out all over the page.
I can't help it. I'm a girl and I needed an outlet. Thankfully and hopefully, the people involved may never get to read about this blog.

Anyway, here it goes.

At one point in your friendship, you and your friends may have talked about the wish of living together in one roof. You may have thought that it would be fun to go home together everyday after work. Plan, cook and eat your meals at the same time. Share clothes and gossip all night long and of course, the feeling of a sleepover everyday is simply exciting.

It may be a good idea at first, but hey, girls will always be girls.
This is my 8th month in exactly should I call it without being too harsh...dreadful? hell-like? prison? ...can't think right, so I'll just call it : M E  D X building. I have seen and experienced things here that I am willing to have a voluntary selective amnesia just to forget about them. People smiling in front of you and just after a second of turning your back at them, they have already thrown daggers at your behind. If your are not careful, you might fall flat on your face without even knowing why and how. I came here looking for an additional experience for my career and I had hoped that along with it, gain some new friends.

Actually, this is not the first time that I have lived with my friends or with other people. And I got along with them just fine. No issues and problems. I think it's because I'm a very patient person. I think that being like this is my worst attitude. I endure things too much because I don't like confrontations and I really stay away from arguments as much as possible. My trust is too easy too gain and so is my hand of friendship. I guess, it's true that if you give too much, time will come that people will misinterpret it or abuse it.

When people live together, they learn a lot of things about each other. I think that it's fun because you get to learn more about the people that you work with everyday. But I was wrong, I didn't include in my mind that together with the good stuff that you learn, dirt is also available for unintentional sharing and not to mention the added skeletons in their closets. Best thing is you try to ignore them but no matter how hard you try, time will always come that these little things will pile up like little legos and unfortunately, it will get too high and crash directly on your nerves.

Best friends becomes mortal enemies, relatives cursing each other and two-faced bitches joining the fight.
It's a real riot! Insecurities and gossips sells like hot pancakes to women. And I think that this is the root of all arguments in this place. Locked in with no way out. It's difficult to run away from these kind of situations. The only one that you can trust is the angel beside you everyday.

Day by day, you learn new things. It may be something useful or futile. The issue is, what do you do with the new information that you may or may have not intentionally gathered.

What, you may ask are the pro's and con's of friends and co-workers living together? It's a lot. Really, a lot. No matter how simple or complex it may be,there will always be a chance that it will turn into a complicated relationship. And don't even bother believing when they say that "at work , work will always be work, walang personalan". It's a dumb-ass lie.

Women are really funny creatures. With no way how to really properly describe them or how to explain and read their minds, they will always stay as a puzzle to others.

I am thankful that back home, I got real friends. Wonderful people that I have previously lived with in one roof and helped me build a rocking friendship bond that I will treasure for eternity.

How to survive this then? Stay neutral. Never side with anyone, don't involve yourself with any issue and the most important thing that I learned : TRUST NO ONE.

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