
Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Host by Stephenie Meyer


I've always had a point in my life wherein I believe some things that are out of the norm. Sometimes, I think of how life outside our planet can be or if "they" really do exist. I know, you'll say I've watched way too many shows in the boob tube for me to think of this, but would you believe if I say that I haven't watched a single episode of X-Files in my entire life? Haha. Yeah, its true. The reason? I simply don't like the soundtrack. It was just way too creepy for me.

Anyway, I had just finished reading another work of Stephenie Meyer which is THE HOST.

It was simply about aliens invading our planet by having them inserted into our body, thus, making the humans as a host to these foreign "Souls". Once inserted, the souls would then recover all the memories of the body and carry on with living the rest of their time as a new person on earth. The conflict here? Resistance. The body of Melanie Stryder  was used by an alien called Wanderer. Unfortunately, the mind of Mel was just very strong for her to be completely erased after the insertion. So now, two minds, one body. A story of well, as one would expect, a love triangle, struggle, adventure, sci - fi and a bit hope.

When I started reading the book, I was so bored with how everything was so detailed that I lost interest in continuing to finish it. It gave me time to finally find the peak of the story and enjoy it. I like how she was so creative in thinking of how things go outside our little green planet. It was so different from Twilight that there was no trace of resemblance if compared.  I also liked how everything was so easy for the aliens because they have all the resources to stay alive. How the so called Spiders have the answers to everything. How Science have been so advanced that no sickness is not cured. And how we can only have one soul to love in the entire universe.

I never guessed how the ending would go and I was happy to find out how it went. I was satisfied of the story that it gave me much thought of how would things go on earth if that would really happen. Would we fight back? Would they win? Would we really be as renegade as how humans are in the story? If so, I'd like to be a SOUL. Someone who can have a decision to have a new life. A life that is worth living. 

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